
Medical Clinic

Bidgerdii Community Health Service operates Bulk Billing Medical Clinics in Rockhampton and Mt Morgan. For opening hours and locations, please use the use the contact page.

Staff are fully trained and engage in regular professional development, and include the services of both male and female Doctors, Registered Nurses, Aboriginal Health Workers.

The practice operates on an appointment system, but make every effort to accommodate ‘walk in’ patients who are assessed on their priority needs. Booked appointments are generally 15 minutes, but longer appointments are available when requested. Emergencies are given preference over all other appointments.

Our clinic is a bulk billing practice for patients, including those hold Veteran Affair’s cards, Concession cards issued by Centrelink and Senior’s cards. If you are not a Medicare card holder, there will be a fee for service which will be discussed with you prior to your appointment.

Bidgerdii Community Health Service meets the RACGP Compliance indicators for the “Australian Privacy Principles: BCHS – RACGP Privacy Policy“.

Binbi Meta (Healthy Dwelling)

In the Binbi Meta program we work with Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander families over 6 months to help them take ownership and control over their health, wellbeing and lifestyle changes to achieve a healthy, active and long life. The Binbi Meta program works in partnership with:

  • The Rockhampton Regional Council (RRC)
  • Bunnings, The Smith Family
  • Darumbal, Girls Time Out
  • Central Queensland Indigenous Development (CQID)
  • Fitzroy Basin Elders Committee (FBEC)
  •  Australian Red Cross

The engagement tool for this program is the development of the backyard gardens of their homes, including recycling, food handling and storage, shopping, food labelling, tool maintenance and energy saving tips. The Binbi Meta program helps the families clean up the gardens and dump all the green waste and house hold items ready for the garden bed and soil to be delivered from the Rockhampton Regional Council. Families then go to Bunnings and pick out seeds (fruit or vegetables) for their gardens. Binbi Meta Wellbeing Lifestyle Activities include healthy cooking, home education (non-formal), and health checks.

For more information about the Binbi Meta Program please contact the program staff via the details on our contact page.

Rockhampton Children and Family Centre

The Rockhampton Children and Family Centre works with families with children from 0-8 to access services of early childhood education and care; child and maternal health; parent and family support. Our Vision is to have a safe, open inclusive place where children and families connect to health, learning and culture.

Social & Emotional Well Being Program

The Social & Emotional Well Being Program (SEWB) is a nationally funded program providing generalist counselling services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who are experiencing issues and concerns that affect their everyday emotional wellbeing.

The SEWB Program undertakes individual supported case management to empower the client to feel healthier through counselling therapies that relate to specific cultural healing practices, as well as facilitating the Bringing Them Home (BTH) component of the SEWB Program. The program also conducts specific counselling to members of the Stolen Generation and their families to ensure that individuals who access BTH Counselling Services have access to family tracing and supported referral options to other agencies working in the area of Bringing Them Home, such as QLD Link-Up Services

SWEB program covers the Rockhampton Region including (Capricorn Coast, Blackwater, Central Highlands, Mt Morgan and Woorabinda. (Woorabinda is BTH component only)

Services and Home Visits

Home visits are conducted by a member of the Clinic and Chronic Disease staff. They are available to visit your home for BSLs, and blood pressure checks.

Please contact us if you have any queries regarding this service.


Bidgerdii Community Health Service operates a transport service for clients of this practice only. Clients must be referred to the transport service by a Bidgerdii doctor.

Bookings for this service are made through reception, and are available only for medical appointments (Not shopping or social activities).

ITC program

The Integrated Team Care program is a free program consisting of Care Coordinators and Outreach Workers who may be able to:

·         Help Client’s understand their chronic health condition and how to manage it
·         Help Client’s connect with support groups
·         Arrange in-home help
·         Help Client’s to access medical services
·         Help Client’s understand their care plan and medical jargon
·         Access some medical aids for Client’s chronic condition

This support may help to keep you out of hospital, help you to access care that may otherwise be too expensive, and provide you with tools to better manage your health.